Work at home? Make money on that computer instead of playing games on it! Following on from my last post, which was more of an exercise on how to write an incredibly long post about some clever make money ways and which nicely followed on from the post before that, this rather apt article will deal more with the work at make money working at home mentality and act as a primer for those that don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
Make Money Working at Home?
Well, its another of those titles that I have been favouring here in this make money hints blog in order to create some keyword authority on some of the more unusual long tail keywords that surround the whole make money online niche. Being as it is such a difficult niche to break into and the rewards are so relatively low when compared to other non-make money ways niches, you might be wondering why I’m going to all this trouble to target the keyword at all.
Well, it’s not a complete waste of time, as my keyword checker tells me that there were around 24,400 Google searches made on the unlikely term make money working at home last month. So that’s a lot of searches. Unfortunately, with different keywords in this MMO niche, the competition also increases quite a bit, so there is a always the trade-off.
The reason I wrote my posts in this order was to first break into and rank for the easiest of the three keywords, easy make money first. By getting indexed for that keyword and finding a page two spot I could then move on the next one up, fast make money. I got a page two for that as well, so now I’m going for the harder keyword, make money working at home.
That’s all well and good doing all that, but it’s also not much use to anyone writing a long post with the sole intention of ranking for a keyword just so this site can land on a decent page in the SERPs, right?
Um, well that’s the whole reason for this post, actually!
I’m playing with an experiment here and this site is the guinea pig. While there are going to be plenty of posts with lots of good solid tried and tested work at home make money hints that will fill these pages, I’ve first got to get this site placed as high as I can in Google’s SERPs because it has got to do its job and actually make money.
And we now know that in this poorly monetiseable (is that a word?) niche that to work at home, make money and do it in spades, the only way is to break onto page one in those SERPs with whatever means and tools are available to get the organic search traffic to our pages and hope that a lot of it comes from newcomers to the work at home make money ethic who are more likely to click on the ads and affiliate products which are the way to make money online. By attracting a lot of experienced Internet Marketers to this site, I might do well as a creditable writer on the subject and even be given due credibility for my knowledge and experience, but it won’t make money because experienced Internet Marketers do not click on ads, period!
So as it has been drummed into my skull by my friend Griz (How to Make Money Online for Beginners) that I can either write for my readers or write to make money, I choose to write to home make money every time! (yep, slipped that keyword in there again!)
So don’t worry that there might not be any words of wisdom or snippets of work at home make money techniques that will bring in the dollars overnight in this particular post, because it is designed to boost this site first and foremost and to impart knowledge as a secondary reason for existing. Not that it does not impart any knowledge, it absolutely does!
If you are a newcomer to the whole work at home make money online ethic and stopped by here to pickup some handy tips on how to go about the arduous task of how to from home make money (ok, it makes less and less sense as I go along, but WTF!), you are seeing first hand exactly how to lay the foundations for your own blog in preparation for its future potential to do exactly what you want it to do and that is to make money! Online!
Write plenty of long posts that are totally and completely on-topic for your chosen keyword and make them readable enough to show to anyone that wants to read them all the way to the end that they do have value. Each long, on-topic post that you fill your blog with in the early days of its existence counts towards its search engine friendly credits and gives you a solid foundation to go ahead in the future with more selective posts about the things that also make money for your readers, where they can come and read them having found you from their search in Google’s first pages rather than from a social networking site.
Why that way around?
I’ve already said that organic traffic from Google is much more likely to make money for you by clicking your ads and affiliate products, but it’s also important to realize that traffic from social networks is generally made up of an assortment of Internet Marketers – and what is it that Internet Marketers do not do? Click on ads! So while you are happy that they take the time to come over and read your blog and see what you are up to, you really want to be targeting organic search traffic from Google if you want your blog to bring it on home make money for you.
To do that, you need your blog to get right up there onto the first page and preferably as near to the top of that first page as you can in order to attract the maximum amount of that coveted, targeted search engine derived traffic to your blog.
So I’ll end as I started.
While you’re sitting there at home, make money from that computer instead of sitting on your backside there for hours on end playing the latest Tomb Raider game or whatever! While that can be very addictive (and don’t I just know it), you might as well be expending that energy and concentrated effort into raking in the dollars from putting in the time and hard work and get started putting into practice the work at home make money ways that I’m showing you first hand right here in this make money hints blog!
Terry Didcott
Make Money Hints
PS: Griz, I hope this one is long enough for you too!