Free grocery coupons are a great way to save money on food bills and are also a great way for manufacturers and companies to advertise. These kinds of incentives appear in magazines, on seasonal displays, store shelves and newspaper inserts. Free grocery coupons are also often mailed to households through direct mailings or by request, making it an easy way to save a little money and improve your financial situation.
Common Misconceptions
Many shoppers just assume that grocery coupons couldn’t possibly save them much money and don’t bother collecting the coupons or bringing them to the store when they go shopping. However if you combine low prices and manufacturers coupons combine to provide you with great savings, as well as beating the discount shopping club prices and the prices of the lower priced budget items. Another misconception that some people have is that you only find coupons in Sunday papers, but really you can find coupons in grocery stores, magazines or even on displays of food samples.
The Benefits
Grocery coupons are beneficial to both the manufacturers and consumers. While they enable companies to boost sales and expand brand recognition, customers save money and have the opportunity to try new and possibly healthier food brands for less money.
The Features
Some grocery coupons will be for a specific amount. For example, 50 pence off the purchase of a particular item, such as milk or bread. While others offer a particular item for free, as long as the regular price falls below a specific amount. There are also coupons that are for buy one get one free.
How They Function
If you want to use coupons to save money on your food shopping then you have to use them for the pictured or described item or brand stated on the coupon. You cannot for instance, use a “BOGOF on Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream” to buy and get one free of Walls ice cream. Similarly you cannot use a “Spend over £50 and save 25%” coupon if you only spend £25 on your food shopping.
Be Aware Of The Dates
Many grocery coupons and discounts are only valid for a set period of time. This can usually be found on the back of the coupon or along the bottom of the front. It is obviously sensible to check when coupons are valid from and to, so that you don’t miss out on potential savings by putting them in your wallet or purse and forgetting all about them.
While it could be tempting to buy things just because you can save money with coupons, it is also sensible to consider whether you actually need that particular item. If you don’t, it won’t actually save you much money if you stock up on too much fresh produce that you couldn’t possibly use and eat before it goes off. However, if you have the space in your freezer, stocking up on frozen goods with coupons is a good way to save you money on subsequent shopping deals.
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