Be Prepared: Common Problems That Could Arise When Building Your Home

Building a home can be a difficult and stressful time in general without other factors complicating matters for you. However, it won’t be all smooth sailing all the time; there will often be circumstances and issues beyond your control. As always, it’s always best to be prepared. Hiring professional builders and building specialists can help you minimise the amount of stress you might have during these times. These are some common problems that could arise while you are building your home. Make sure you keep a lookout for them and devise a plan by which you can counteract some of these issues.


Delays can be caused by a variety of reasons, and many of these may be unavoidable. Materials may not be available at the time you need them. The weather might turn on you, and construction could grind to a halt while the poor weather clears. In unfortunate circumstances, a builder might get injured which would delay project delivery. The list goes on. Most of these will simply require your patience – waiting a couple more days won’t do any damage. However, if you are experiencing ongoing delays without clear reason, ask to check your builder’s project management schedule. They may not be following it as closely as they should.


The quality of the work produced could be shoddy, most likely because contractors and builders want to get onto the next job as soon as they can. There is also a shortage of tradespeople at the moment, which means your team might be compromising on quality in order to fulfil the next order. If you think this is happening with your house, you can hire a range of consultants who are not connected to the building firm to assess the work that has been done, and then go from there.


You may find that halfway through the building of your house that the costs have exceeded your budget, or the price you were originally quoted. This may be a result of a contract without fixed prices, or the builders themselves being a tad too optimistic about the job and its cost. If you live in a capital city like Brisbane where there are a number of building contractors, it should be easy to compare costs between the builders in Brisbane, and for you to then make another informed decision.

These are a few common problems that could arise when you are in the midst of building your home. You will find that these issues will crop up whether you decide to build your house on your own or contract it out to builders, so it is best to have a plan of action when any of these do occur. Remember that before you make any decision or sign anything that you should make sure you have done all the requisite research, as this will help you out tremendously in the long run.

Have you ever built a house before? Did you do it on your own or did you hire a building firm? What are some issues you ran into in this process and how did you overcome them? Do you have any advice for any others out there who may be considering doing something similar? Leave your thoughts, experiences and advice down below.

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