Corporate Travelling is a seriously misunderstood business. Your partner might be super jealous of you jet-setting off to Paris to schmooze with the big wigs, but little do they know that the work-load doesn’t just stop the minute you step on the plane. Don’t get me wrong, there are some undeniably cool perks when travelling for business – company paid for meals, accommodation and if you have generous boss there’s bound to be a bit of down time. As much as it sucks to write reports in a new destination filled with wonder and possibilities, it’s the unfortunate reality of travelling on company time. Neglecting your work will only lead to lost hours and late nights catching up while you’re trying to recover from your jet lag. So how do you stay productive in a destination you naturally want to explore? By following these handy tips of course!
Preparation is Crucial
When the excitement of venturing to a new country seeps in the equation, those boring daily tasks tend to get thrown out the window. The key here is preparation. In the lead up to your trip you can try to tackle any big projects ahead of time, reducing the stress of having to complete it on the road without your creature comforts or any help you may require. Alternatively, you can make a to-do list of all the daily tasks you need to accomplish in order to keep moving forward with ease.
Make Your Luggage Technology Central
Open up your suitcase and it should look like the inside of Inspector Gadgets briefcase. Well, maybe that’s a little outdated now but you get the idea. There’s nothing worse than arriving in a new country and realising that you don’t have the appropriate adaptors or chargers. Before you leave for the airport, ensure all your tech gadgets are fully charged including your back up chargers for all that expected downtime on board.
No Internet? No Problem
Until the rest of the world follows America’s suit, you are unlikely to get Wi-Fi on your aircraft unless you are cruising in business class. Believe it or not, this is the best time to get work done. Why? There are no cat memes to distract you. Shradha Agarwal from ContextMedia suggest that frequent flyers sync all emails offline you are more likely to write thoughtful responses when there is limited distractions. As soon as a Wi-Fi connection is established, the emails will simply send themselves. Another option is to download any internet pages or material in advance to brush up on your skills, learn about your destination or prepare for the conference you may be attending.
Remember to go Easy On Yourself
It’s important to remember that you are a human, not a machine and if you feel as though the flight has left you tired and groggy, say hello to your hotel pillow and rest up. Even if it seems as though there is no time for some fun, try to find a way to experience your new country – even if it’s for an hour.
The life of a corporate traveller can often feel like being stuck in a hurricane. Before you burn the candle at both ends, opt for travel management company to assist with the flights, accommodation and daily itinerary.
Are you a frequent flyer? How do you stay productive on the road?
Written by Keryn Thomson